“Amen I say to you, If you had the faith the size of a mustard seed you could say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it would move. Nothing will be impossible for you”
Matthew 17:20
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Mustard Seed Farm is to grow the faith in the Good News that comes to us through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and carries on today through his Church. It is our mission to teach, mentor and support others in their quest to discover this Good News in their lives and help assist them in overcoming the ‘Mountain’ of challenges along their unique journey.
We will accomplish this by:
1. Reaching out to those who may have no Faith or may have lost or fallen away from their Faith by offering them encouraging and useful programs to aid in their searching and re-discovering of the Good News in their lives.
2. Organizing and facilitating effective programs to teach and build people’s Faith in themselves and in their unique God given talents. These programs are designed to assist individuals in discovering and developing these talents into useful tools for their specific calling in life.
3. We will contribute financially or with direct active participation with various other charitable organizations throughout our communities who are doing many other good works.